

Lighting as a concept in area lighting is being preferred over conventional lighting, especially where large artea are to ba illuminated without the need for numerous lighting columns, that under certain circumstances, can be a hazard to movement. This is possible because lighting system achieves very large space to height ratio.

Sodium Vapour

A Low-Pressure Sodium Vapor lamp (or LPSV lamp) is termed as a “miscellaneous discharge lamp” as it possesses some characteristics of High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps as well as it resembles fluorescent lamps in other areas. Basically, an LPSV lamp is a gas discharge lamp that uses sodium in an excited state to produce light.

LPSV lamps are economical to use in road lighting and security lighting where the color of the object is not important. They are most suitable to use during foggy weathers

Led Light

Its centuries of experience in designing life-enhancing lighting solutions, Surya Led Neo Max brings you the world class range od LED lighting products. They are a symbol of all-round, in depth approach that assures you impeccable quality, unmatched style and carefully crafted lighting for all your needs.Surya Led Noe Max Motion Sensor Auto On/Off B22 LED Bulb. Surya Led Noe Max Smartly Working With Motion sensor . its Autometic On/Off if motion or motion.

High Mast Light

High-mast lighting is a tall pole with lighting attached to the top pointing towards the ground, usually but not always used to light a highway or recreational field. It is used at sites that require lighting over a large area. The pole that the lighting is mounted on is generally at least 30 m (98 ft) tall (under this height it is referred to as conventional lighting system)

while the lighting consists of a luminaire ring surrounding the pole with one or several independent lighting fixtures mounted around it. Most units have four, six or eight lights in the ring, with three, five, ten, twelve and sixteen lights used in rarer instances.